The passage of time and this transition between the current moment and past, would lead to the creation of a space we grand, while recollecting and commemorating past, it is like an opportunity to recall and recite our memoir and journey once again with new approaches. It’s as if the more we get distance from past it is our inner inclination to view and narrate our innermost intimate destiny like another persona.
The time the narrator finds past full of meaningless absurd distances and his attempts to configure them once, among the fluxes of the bluer pictures of past it confronts its true self hood.
In fact, gazing at one’s self always requires a distance and essentially each narration relies on this act of distancing.
A video performance by Mohamad Parvizi narrates the shattered past of a girl who is confused about her identity. The state of an anxiety and a concern which would lead her to explore herself in the past and by the act of narrating it in the time present she rearranges and reorganizes it. Perhaps in this narration she would be able to look at her own eyes courageously and dare to ask and hear answers. Maybe in this narration she could find something from herself. Where self-turn to The Other, and observes itself from an unknown distance, where identity is created.